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AI in Orthodontics: Exploring Voice Cloning

Previously, we’ve discussed how speech-to-speech advancements are reshaping interactions between humans and machines. Generative AI offers endless possibilities, and one of the most exciting areas is text-to-speech technology. AI voices are becoming a key tool for transforming orthodontic education and training, which is why Ortho.i® is investing heavily in mastering this technology.

In a recent podcast, I shared a story from years ago when I faced a unique challenge: I was invited to lecture in two countries, Spain and Brazil, on the same day and at the same time, presenting in two different languages. This happened long before the pandemic, and back then, my options were limited. To solve the problem, I had two choices: clone myself or use technology to assist me. Since cloning wasn’t viable (yet 😊), I turned to the best available tools. For one event, I used a pre-recorded webinar, while I presented in person at the other. 

Today, such a solution is commonplace, but at the time, it highlighted two significant limitations: language fluency and scalability. That experience planted a seed in my mind. Why couldn’t I “clone” my knowledge, not my physical self, but my expertise to reach more people? It also made me realize how few key opinion leaders (KOLs) can fluently lecture in multiple languages and how human speakers are limited by bias, time, cost, and physical presence.

Necessity being the mother of innovation, I started exploring technological solutions to overcome these barriers. Years later, this journey led to the creation of Ortho.i® Robotics, a branch of the company dedicated to integrating artificial intelligence into digital orthodontics.

Today, generative AI and advanced voice technology allow us to replicate voices and create new synthetic voices with impressive accuracy. But the real breakthrough here isn’t in the voice cloning itself, it’s in what this technology enables. Imagine being able to speak over 100 languages fluently, delivering training and support simultaneously to people across the globe. This is about breaking down barriers of time, geography, and human limitations to provide efficient, high-quality education and support.

In the podcast, you’ll hear me “speaking” five different languages and reading an article in English, all without actually saying a single word or studying those languages. While cloning your voice might be a fun marketing tool like I am using now, the real potential lies in expanding your reach, sharing your knowledge, and using AI to deliver your skills and contributions to the world.

The brand "Ortho.i" is a portmanteau linguistic blend of words "orthodontics" and "intelligence" combined into a new word. Intelligence is at the heart of everything we do, both human and artificial. It’s in our brand, our culture, and our mission, advancing orthodontics by pushing boundaries and delivering better outcomes, improved efficiency, and meaningful support to  social communities around the globe.

Enjoy the Podcast!

Dr A


In the Ortho.i® Podcast episode titled "AI in Orthodontics: Exploring Voice Cloning," Dr. Adriano Araujo, PhD, discusses the application of AI voice-cloning technology in orthodontics. He shares his experiences with AI text-to-speech systems.



Orthoi Sprints GRATITUDE

We extend our gratitude to the doctors who participated in our Ortho.i® Design Sprint over the past few months. A portion of the training fee was allocated to providing food baskets for underprivileged families in Brazil, in partnership with the Movimento dei Focolari organization. As a purpose-driven company, Ortho.i® is guided by our World of Care initiative. We are deeply committed to making a positive impact on the lives of everyone we touch, whether they are doctors, patients, team members, organizations, or the broader communities we serve. #orthoiwecare #generativeai #orthoisprints #aieducation #purposedrivencompany #orthodontics


I'm here in Dallas, Texas. Today, I will tell you my story that really changed the way I'm starting to see technology and to the context and education. So, I don't remember, like a few years ago, I was invited to give a lecture for the European, not European, for the Spanish society at that time. But on the same day, believe it or not, in the same time, I had also a lecture to give in Rio, Janeiro, Brazil. So, I needed to be in two different places, and I needed to be in two different countries. I needed to speak two different languages in the same time. Okay, so it was a funny coincidence. And I remember one of the other doctors was on the scientific board, and she said, hey, Dr. A, you need to clone yourself, so you can be like in two different places in the same time. It was a joke, but that got it in my mind, you know, like, well, it's a good challenge. That's the way I like to move on in Ortho.i. So yes, I will clone myself “one day, so I will be able to be in different places in the same time. And actually even speak in different language. Believe it or not, we are not far from that. Not 100 percent, but today you're going to see in this podcast that I clone my voice. Okay, so we have AI voice clone. And not only you're going to see that it's the first level of quality, okay, of technologies. It's like the first time you use the Internet. It was really weird, it's low and everything else. And today it's amazing, fast video, audio and everything. So we are in the beginning of AI, generative AI, but it's amazing. It's amazing how good it is.

And we have some user cases. Later on, you keep listening to this podcast, and you're gonna see that I'm speaking Japanese. I can speak in Italian, French. I just put five different languages there, and with my own voice, AI voice. On the end, actually, in that lectures, I gave both, I recorded one of them, or I don't remember, but I didn't cancel one or another. We had already like a remote webinars or something, so I was “able to do one of them, I was physically, and another one, I was remotely. But I was able literally to give the two of them, using technology, right? So I'm saying about five years ago, we were able to give the lectures, give the training, or whatever I supposed to do. But it was a problem that could be solved today using AI. So keep in mind that AI come to help us, orthodontists, or whatever industry you are, doctor, what field you are, to do something that humans are not able to do, right? For example, I thought I was a good public speaker because I can give a lecture in three different languages, Spanish, Portuguese, and English, and it was already huge. But humans, there is a limit. I can get five, six, ten languages. But just to give a short idea, my first AI model that was made in 2020, it speaks already 33 languages that time. And today, with those large language models, easily you can speak more than 100 languages. So when come with a natural language processing, and the evolution was huge, okay? So this is an example today, this podcast I'm going “to share, is how we can use test to speech. So we create a script in English, and then you can translate with large language models, and you use another AI voice model that can transcript from the test for the audio, and from the audio, you can add in different, integrate in different apps or softwares for training. So this is just a simulation that I have done. That was the beginning of Ortho.i Robotics. Remember, keep in mind that before you have, like, the humanoid robots, you need actually to have the brain. You have the brain. What the brain can do, they can test message, I would say, like work with words. So generative AI, it's very good to do those kinds of stuff. Okay? And now we are giving an example of audio. And then the next thing to do is make the AI model to see that we use computer vision and they can see very well. So we are getting very close to that. What I was dreaming to have the orthodontics robot. And so today you're going to see that the robot has my own voice. Seems to be scary a little bit “right? Because when you clone your voice or something, the first thing comes a lot of people mind is the negative way, right? And we are training to think negative, not positive. Or the same way that I starting to make the first payments online, for example, oh, they're going to whatever, use your clone credit card and for, and you're going to be in trouble, and actually happened a few times. But you know that can be controlled. So it's the same way there is great regulation, and it's pretty safe, actually. I think everybody use credit card numbers and making online payments and everything. So the same way when come to AI voice, seeing that is something like, oh, my God, will be super different or whatever, or maybe you don't, you need to use your own voice, you know. I'm just using my own voice. For example, if you want to actually be very objective, this is another thing that humans are not, and I am not, by the way, you know, this podcast that I was thinking that I supposed to, I say I'm going to talk about the five minutes and has been seven minutes “and 33 seconds, you know what I'm saying? So we talk more that I supposed to. It's okay. That's the way humans are. But sometimes we need more efficiency, you know. So you need to stick with the five minutes, for example, or we stick without bias. That is another thing. You know, how many times I train like hundreds and hundreds of KOLs, different companies, different languages, and there is a lot of bias. Even myself was one of them, you know. So that is the beauty, the thing that AI can do it. Long story short, here's our podcast. And I hope you guys enjoying, you know, we are raising the bar again, just showing how we can use generative AI and remember is to make things that humans cannot do very well. Like I said, speak more than a hundred languages. We can't do it. You can even create artificial languages, like I create Angela. If you haven't seen, we have like the speech-to-speech AI technology was my past episode. So Angela, it's an AI voice. Amazing. Have fun. And I hope to see you guys. And I look forward to see what you are “doing actually with your organization, your association, your practice in using generative AI. I would love to partnership and work together with you guys. Amen. Have a good day. Today's podcast episode showcases AI text-to-speech technology featuring Dr. A's AI clone voice. The accompanying article titled When Giving Comes Full Circle, based on a true story, is already published and available on our website at Enjoy it. Today's podcast episode showcases AI text-to-speech technology featuring Dr. A's AI clone voice. The accompanying article titled When Giving Comes Full Circle, based on a true story, is already published and available on our website at Today's podcast episode showcases Good listening. The article is related, titled, When to give, closes the Ah, el artículo relacionado titulado Cuando Dar Cierra el Círculo, basado en una historia real, ya está publicado y disponible en nuestro sitio web. Disfrutalo. Sometimes, life has a way of showing us the magic of giving when we least expect it. It was another busy day at my orthodontics practice in Brazil. Between caring for patients and managing the business, I was also immersed in organizing a charity event. The goal was to bring together several medical practices to offer complimentary medical and dental services to underserved communities. But beyond providing care, the mission was to host regular events throughout the year, targeting specific organizations or local communities in need, offering them whatever support they required. To share the costs and make these efforts sustainable, the expenses were divided among the participating businesses, proving the truth of the saying, team, together, everyone achieves more.

One of my favorite activities, even today, is going to the movie theater with my kids. It's not just about the entertainment. It's a wonderful way to teach life lessons through the stories we watch. A quick conversation afterward, sparked by the movie's themes, can open the door to meaningful discussions “especially with teenagers who rarely seem to have free time for their parents. Inspired by this for the next event, I decided to take all the children from the largest local orphanage to a private movie screening at Cinemark. This wasn't a simple undertaking. First, we needed to secure legal authorization from a judge to take the children out for a special day. Then we arranged to book an entire auditorium exclusively for the event. The logistics included transportation, popcorn, drinks, candy, and goody bags for every child. By the end of the day, I was making final calls, coordinating with volunteers, and settling the bills. I personally wired our contribution that afternoon, covering the total cost of XYZ dollars. As I sat in my office near the clinical room, the phone rang. It was my office coordinator calling to update me on the next day's patient schedule. We ended the call, and I was about to leave back home when the phone rang again. This time, she mentioned something she'd forgotten earlier. A patient, who had been behind on their payments for some time, had just made a payment deposit. Then she told me the amount, XYZ dollars. I froze. Chills ran through my body as the realization hit me. Only hours earlier, I had donated the exact same amount to make the charity event possible. Sensing my silence, she asked, Dr. A, are you OK? Yes, I replied. I'm OK. Thank you. In that moment, I was incredulous, flooded with emotions, happiness, and even a hint of fear. But most of all, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. It was as if God himself had whispered, whatever you give, I will return to you. It was a divine reassurance that I was on the right path. The event was a success. We all had an incredible time. And for several of the children, it was their very first experience in a movie theater. The joy on their faces was unforgettable. Not just for them, but for me as well.

This story is one of many similar moments I've experienced. And I've heard countless others share their own ways of giving an unexpected blessings. These occurrences aren't coincidences. They happen every day, every minute to those who open their hearts and give freely. Whether it's your skills, your wealth, your time, or your love, the act of giving has a way of creating ripples that come back to you in the most unexpected and miraculous ways. Our orthodontic practice is far more than just clear aligners, brackets, wires, and AI softwares. It's the place where magic happens, a place where we spend most of our time, where we help people, and where we find fulfillment. It's not just about transforming smiles within our business circle, but also about using our knowledge to impact lives beyond it.”

De Ortho.i LifeStyle Podcast: AI in Orthodontics: Exploring Voice Cloning 6 de dez. de 2024 Este material esta protegido por copyright.



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