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Human-First AI Orthodontic’s Practices

Since the start of the 21st century, we’ve seen major changes across many industries. Think about how retail moved online, how smartphones transformed our daily lives, or how services like Uber and Airbnb reshaped transportation and travel. Even entertainment has changed a lot thanks to Netflix. But when it comes to healthcare—especially dentistry—the changes haven’t been as dramatic, in my opinion. While the pandemic did bring about more remote services, it’s still not the kind of revolution we’ve seen in other fields. However, that’s about to change, and I believe that Artificial Intelligence is leading the way.

Human-first AI refers to the design and development of artificial intelligence systems that prioritize human needs, values, and well-being. In this approach, AI is not merely a tool for efficiency but an extension of human capabilities, aiming to support and enhance human decision-making, creativity, and problem-solving. This philosophy requires a deep understanding of the human experience and a commitment to ethical considerations. It emphasizes empathy, inclusivity, transparency, and values that are often missing in purely product-technology-centric tools and companies.

AI isn’t just for tech companies anymore. It’s becoming something that will affect all areas of life, and healthcare is no exception. In dentistry, AI has the potential to completely transform how we treat patients. This all adds up to a better quality of life for both patients and professionals. We, orthodontists will be less likely to feel overworked, and patients will receive the timely, personalized care they need.

If this sounds like something far off in the future, it’s really not. Every big change starts with a small first step. You don’t need to feel overwhelmed by the idea of AI in orthodontics; incremental improvements in the right direction can make a huge difference over time.

AI isn’t just about making things more efficient. It’s about improving the overall experience. Patients should never feel like they’re just another number. AI is designed to enhance human interaction, not replace it. It allows doctors to spend more time focusing on what matters most. And by using AI responsibly, orthodontics becomes more accessible to everyone, especially those who may have had difficulty accessing quality care in the past.

This is our goal with the new Ortho.i® Sprint trainings for orthodontists. More than just helping doctors understand and learn how to properly integrate generative AI into their practice and workflow, we aim to prepare and provide them with a foundation for building a future-ready business. Yes, AI tools will be game-changing, but there's much more to be aware of, as understanding how patients perceive modern companies is crucial.

Patients today expect more personalized care. They want dental providers to be more engaged, to understand their unique needs, and to offer experiences that feel tailored just for them. AI makes that possible, but it’s only part of the picture. We need to keep up with technological interfaces that patients use daily. Importantly, patients want to be active participants in something greater than just a treatment. They admire the people, the doctors and the team, the mission, and the purpose of your business. Your purpose and practice can be about much more than just making beautiful smiles.

We are consulting doctors from every part of this world to provide guidance for Human-First AI Solutions. The paradigm shift is larger than you might imagine. Now is the moment to redirect or restate your business—for the good of yourself and the communities around you using technology, teamwork, high-level knowledge, and genuine care.

You are welcome to join our monthly AI Sprint sessions, live and online. You are not only enhancing your practice but also contributing to a larger movement that prioritizes people over processes, and preparing yourself and your business for a better future.


Dr A

Ortho.i® Design Sprint 

 “Generative AI Foundations: The Power of Artificial Intelligence for Future-Ready Business”

The Ortho.i® Design Sprint is an intensive, focused virtual workshop aimed at empowering dental and orthodontic professionals with the knowledge and tools to integrate  Generative AI technologies into their practices. Over 10 hours, participants are guided through a structured process to identify key challenges, explore innovative solutions, and develop AI-Human strategies tailored to their specific business needs.

Coming sessions 2024:

October 15th, 16th and 17th (Asia zone time)

October 24th, 25th and 26th (Portuguese Brazil)

November 07th, 8th and 9th (US & Europe zone time)

December, coming soon.

Check out our YouTube Channel new videos

Ortho.i® Podcast: Unveiling the Purpose and the New AI Sprint Training for Orthodontists 

In this episode, AI generated advanced voices talk about Ortho.i®'s innovative AI Sprint Training designed specifically for orthodontists, helping them integrate AI to make their practices more efficient and future-ready. But our mission goes beyond technology—we introduce our "World of Care" initiative, reflecting Ortho.i®'s commitment to using AI ethically and responsibly. We aim to provide accurate orthodontic information to populations worldwide. Our purpose-driven approach not only enhances the efficiency of the specialty but also promotes sustainability and care for people everywhere. Developed by Prof Dr Adriano Araujo, DDS, Ms, PhD.

Ortho.i® Sprint: O Impacto da Inteligência Artificial na sua Clínica de Ortodontia

Pense em como seria uma clínica odontológica no futuro com o uso de IA. Qual será o modelo de negócio mais apreciado pelos nossos clientes? Quais são as tendências de outros mercados internacionais que já estão mais avançados? Como usar a IA para aumentar sua qualidade de vida e redirecionar sua empresa para um crescimento mais sustentável, produtivo e humano? Quer voltar a trabalhar com paixão, utilizando tecnologia e oferecendo o melhor para seus pacientes? Seja bem-vindo a um Novo Momento para sua Empresa e para sua Vida. Fundamos nossos treinamentos "Sprint"com dois objetivos centrais: primeiro, gerar um momento de inovação para sua empresa com o uso da inteligência artificial e, segundo, preparar essas empresas para o futuro, capacitando a IA a fornecer serviços superiores, promover ações sustentáveis, elevar as comunidades e transformar a sua vida.


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